Something big coming soon...
OMORI - Sugar Star Planet
Welcome to outer space! I'm Khalua and this is my little corner of the web. I'm pretty new to HTML, but its super fun and I like working out the little issues. Check out my about me page if you wanna learn more about me, or check out my other pages using the tabs to the right.
This site is still under construction! check out the To Do box to see whats coming next
11/11/24 - Added Wishlist page.
11/7/24 - Joined WiiRing
11/3/24 - Redid Navigation/Directory for some more space tp add new things in the future, added some kirby decorations in the dream journal
11/2/24 - Added some new buttons, replaced zines planet with dreams planet, created dream journal page (AND FINISHED IT), same with the blog page, so go read NOW
11/1/24 - Created guestbook, joined Psycho Helmet Webring, added tamaNOTchi
10/29/24 - Redid index page, added neighbors section
10/27/24 - Joined Null webring, finished Sitemap, added boxes on art page.
10/26/24 - Added K&B halloween special button, cleaned up code, removed 'under construction' image
10/24/24 - Added Announcement box, typo fixes
10/22/24 - Joined NoAI webring
10/20/24 - Moved index to home.html, added index page, created Comics, Art, Music, Games, and Sitemap pages with titles and backgrounds. Finished comics page, created and finished kity and blip page. Added Webring box with RoRing. Fixed scrolling on updates and todo boxes
10/19/24 - Added Update+To Do boxes, About me Page, Webneko, Cbox, and cool graphics
10/18/24 - Created site! Added Title, About box, Comics, Writing, Art, Games, and Music Buttons, added Links box + my button, and created the blog(writing) page.
-Make new site title/logo thing
-make zombie apocalypse plan
-create shrines page
-create stuff page
-make custom cursor
-add music to other pages
-make music toggleable without muting the tab
-finish art page
-finish music page
-create dream journal
-create blog
-create guestbook
-make neighbors section
-finish sitemap page
-fill in the empty space on the home page
-finish comics page
-join a webring
-fix todo and updates scroll
© starfactory 2024 - hosted by neocities