So me and Dylan (My best friend) were playing some kind of video game with lots of endings and split paths. We were walking together in an abandoned mineshaft area and heard a human voice behind us coming down the cave and we both hid under a tarp under the stairs of a scaffolding. Dylan went out and confronted them but quickly had to run and went down the straight cave path. I went down the other path because I was scared. It was the same fear you’d feel if you were urban exploring and heard a voice in a couple rooms over from possible squatters and such, or just people that want to hurt you in general. it was scary because i had no way of finding dylan and i didn’t wanna risk finding out what dylan ran from. on my own i faced lots of enemies and eventually found myself in a gas station area with clothes, sodas, and medicine. The enemies in the game were mosquito-like in appearance, some flying and big , and some skinny ones who only used their legs. I only got a good view of them when I entered the gas station. i also got a new ability that let me rapid fire for 10 seconds. enemies were always spawned/arranged in circle formations of like 10 and the rapid fire let me take like 8 down in a short time, which really helped a lot. A lot of the time there were too many enemies that would easily overwhelm me and kill me if i tried to fight, so i lot of the time i had to shove through the crowd and eventually found myself at a fork in a huge open cave with lava surrounding the raised stone paths. Here I was bombarded by tons of enemies and I ran to the nearest path and at the end of it was a huge statue of a woman. There were stairs that I couldn't figure out how to jump up so I had to spam buttons until I figured it out, all because a deadly horde was on my tail. I started floating and she spoke to me, congratulating me for winning. then it said i got the ‘feminine ending.’I looked across the lava ocean to see a path in the opposite direction and mirrored the same as this path, forming a crescent. The other path had a giant man statue which I assume would be the masculine ending. there was a movement joystick and a shoot button on the sides like a mobile game. holding the shoot button would make you fly like a crow which i only found out at the end when i had to go up a set of stairs
I was taking a guitar class and I forgot all my notes right before the test and the girl next to me said I was cute and she could tell that the teacher was Guatemalan and I told her I was Colombian and she was surprised. The room we were in was HUGE and had a lot of other instruments/bands too so I got lost before I could find our guitar spot. The guitar she gave me to play on was acoustic and some of the strings were springs so nothing would play and the space between the strings and neck were like 7 inches apart so I got my electric guitar and started playing a beautiful song only using the first string. Then somehow it became a super big superhero fight and one of the heroes/villains made everything said become true, so that led to some interesting wordplay that I wish I remembered.
there was a dream somewhere at some point where my gf dyed her hair a bunch of of colors and wore a cool hippie outfit and we were walking together, i was behind her and i was staring at here hair and somehow she knew and so she asked me why i was staring and i told her it was because “i like colors remember?” and she laughed and said “oh yea”
i had a dream where i was having a sleepover with my girlfriend and some other friends and i became my girlfriend and then somehow the devil was there and we needed up fighting and he forced me to like kill people and then frozen captain toad
i had a dream where i was some volunteer at some shelter and i was assigned this little girl as the person i needed to take care of and i remember she was having an asthma attack and i helped calm down and i gave her medication and then we spent the whole day doing fun activities and had a lot of fun and we went down the river and walked a lot and it was super cute and her mom said i should stop by more often because she really liked me.
I was on Facetime with my girlfriend and I noticed a fly in my room and throughout the night i kept looking at it, but every time I looked at it there were more flies. They kept multiplying until they were like hundreds. Then they all flew into a big huge clump on my wall and i grabbed some dusting spray and sprayed them all at once and they all died.
ok so me and my brother just walked home from school after stopping by 711 and getting some drinks and our mom pulls up to the curb and she steps out , coming home like 2 hours earlier than usual and just stands there and i get this uneasy feeling like it’s not really her and for a split second she flashes grey so i tell my brother not to go down there and i close the garage door, and she continues not moving. he asked me why i did that and i was like "that’s not our mom" because why didn’t it pull into the driveway, why was it just standing there? because it wanted to lure us out. we waited in the garage for like 15 minutes before checking if the car and entity was gone and they were and my brother spotted an odd looking home depot truck which we assumed the car was inside of.
I had a dream where i was playing a horror game with two of my friends and there was a “music man” that we were running from and There was a sign that said not to look at his face, and when I saw his face through the corner of my eye he looked like that stupid phonk trollface. There was a long staircase and we had to go one at a time. I went second and when i got to the time i reached the end of the game which was a white cloudy place with some signs saying like “think you for playing” or something like that. There was more to this dream but I forgot unfortunately.
I had a crazy long dream last night and I REMEMBERED IT ALL. So heres how it went: Me and my math teacher were hanging out and we did that for a while and we were laughing at hawk tuah jokes in her apartment. Then we went in her car which was a dark blue suv. The while we were in the parking lot she fell over laughing or something and the whole car flipped and would've crushed me but i guess i teleported out. When she got out i flipped the car back over and the whole headlight, windsheild, and sunroof were shattered. Then she was like "Aw shit i got this car for millions of dollars in a japanese auction and ive had it for so long" and by this point the car had retconned into a sick pink and white racecar that was undamaged (i guess because my brain forgot that part) Then we got back in, and the seats had all these cool rivits and stuff. So we started driving and the roads were like these awesome water slides (in terms of shape, they werent wet) so we were twisting through those. Then she started telling me about how she took a chinese class in college and how she didn't take the final test so technically she isn't credited as chinese-speaking. (this all was voicing over a cutscene of silhouettes, on large and presumably "the teacher" and the rest were smaller "students" which were being surrounded by some green magic stuff after the took the test.) Then since my brain was on this cutscene i forgot about my whole teacher thing and noticed a small door in the bottom right of the "stage" that had become of the silhouettes. So I walked in and in this room was a staircase going down on the left and up on the right. The walls were crimson red. in the room there was a box of angel halos, and a little imp came up and was putting them on people (most demons) in a short line. I'm sure they didn't do anything. and he was calling them blessings and so I told him "so is there like a box of curses? and what do they look like." and he half-whispered to me "go check over there" and now there was another door and when II peek through there was a white cloud wallpaper-room with a little box of something red in it (i think horns and tails). Then I decided to go downstairs and saw a mirror that showed what i looked like as a spirit. I was more like a 3d shadow, and my fingers were all glowing a pale yellow. also down the stair was a hallway with a lot of corners and rooms with their doors all open enough to see a silhouette of whatever wicked stuff was going on in there. So I was wandering through the hallway when I saw on of the shadows growing larger (meaning whever was in there was coming out), so i ran to a room that didn't have a light on (i could still see in it) and I realized there was some being behind me, but i didn't care to turn around and see because "if i cant see you you cant see me". As the creature from the other room walked past the closet i realized it was a vampire! and while it was walking by i though he wouldn't notice me but then he SNAPPED in my direction and came to the closet and starting attacking me (in a non-violent way?) and I used my glowing fingers to get him away (because vampires can't go in the sun) and so i shone them aat him and he hissed and left the room for a second. Then the guy behind me spoke up and was like "dude that guy rememebers faces and hes gonna hold a grudge against you for that". Then the vampire came back in the room and started tickling me (?) so I was laughing and then I woke up.
My my dreams have not been cool enough to remember lately but today I was givena scrap of memory. I know it was a good dream because I can feel the vibes of a good dream. Anyways enough yapping. The sliver of my dream that I rememebr was tyler the creator singning a song about lettuce and chicken wraps
i was moving lots of heavy things when i was working in a junkyard and a lot of them were a lot lighter than i was expecting and i was impressing everyone for being able to big up big metal cylinders. we were moving things from a pile into the other side of a construction zone. there was a huge orange inflatable thingy and it was made of a bunch of separate balloon things that were kinda like life boats. i took one of the life boat things and they said it wasn’t supposed to come apart like that and they offered that we could sell it or throw it away. and i offered we could just pop it all. so we popped a lot of it, but then we had an idea to attach us to the underside of it, put it on a piston, and use it to clip through the ground. so we did that and by this point the world was roblox for some reason. under the ground was a baseplate type thing of just water, and every time we clipped through the ground and reached the water our character would do an emote. emotes were monster mash, and another that i don’t remember, but it made me laugh because it was slowed down and the guy who was being pushed under said it was because he was lagging and it was hilarious.