2/21/25 - busy

School has made me very busy recently so I haven't been able to work on my guitar playing, or my website, or anything fun. I guess it's not just school though, as I have been spending my weekends with some new friends I made, so I guess its not all bad. I just need a little time to myself i think. Also update on my new social studies teacher (Mr.T), hes actually really cool! My old teacher used to give be bands to listen to and I was sad that I wouldn't have that anymore, but I visited Mr.T's classroom during free period and we talked about music and stuff, and yesterday he gave me a band to listen to! Its called incubus, and when I listened to them I realized that id heard the song 'drive' before. Then I listened to their other sutff and its honestly really good.
1/14/25 - new classes

I just entered second semester and my classes SUCK. I don't have a class with my favorite teacher (who made social studies actually fun) and now my social studies class is genuinely awful. The first day he gave us a pretest that WE had to grade using a textbook. Like the guy hardly talks to us and the seat arrangement is in the test format so theres no chance to really connect with anyone since theres no partner work. and then the second day he gave us a map where we had to plot 56 god damn points. 56. youre joking. anyways i started strenght/conditioning too which is actually fun because i like being forced to excercise. Idk why but i hate excercise on my own, but if we are required to do it its aactulaly fun. I also wanna get stronger so thats helpful.
12/30/24 - Reflection

This year has been actually super good for me. I got a girlriend, I learned how do write html, I started highschool, I started learning guitar, I reconnected with a lot of my old friends, and i made a lot of new ones in the process. I feel like I made a ton of progress as a person this year. Meeting my girlfriend really helped me become a better person and I'm very thankful for that. I'm still not exactly the person i want to be but i have made some huge strides in finding that this year. I can't wait for next year :)
11/26/24 - my day

I had such a good day today. I woke up on call like we always do, and I started of my day reading a beginner's guide to guitar to start learning how to do that. Then for breakfast i had some of the tres leches that my mom made for my birthday. yum yum. Then I put my shoes on and went to my friend's house (dylan). One of my other friends (nolan) was also going to come so we could all hang out. When he got there he handed me my present because he didn't get to yesterday. It was the CD player! It took a long time to figure out how to get it working but we got it eventually. We went to our local gas station and I got a mtn dew voltage and a chicken burrito because our gas station has a taco shop built in (which is like the coolest thing ever). Dylan just got a bunch of snacks and then we walked to the firehouse subs nearby to get nolan a sandwich. He gave me the last few bites and it was pretty good. Then before we left I refilled my mtn dew, but the fountain machine didnt have it so i just filled the (still half full) bottle with mello yellow which turned my drink green. I call it bogswamp juice. Then we all went to the park and found some pole things in the ground and pulled them out and fought with them like swords. This gave us the idea to make swords we could actually hit eachother with out of pvc and pool noodles (which ive actually wanted to do for a loooong time). So we tried going to a bunch of different stores but none of them had pool noodles since its winter. It was all good though because we found some 5 dollar foam swords which lit up when you pushed a button. They were actually the coolest things ever, and they were actually sturdy enough to deal some serious blows and the light inside made it easy to use since it got really dark out. when i went home i called my gf and i listened to my cds with my new player. I went through the entirety of stratosphere and it was a great experience. it was like an hour long meditiation basically and it was such a nice feeling afterwards too. i am listening to loveless as i write this.
11/23/24 - ungrounded

Its been a while since I last made a post lol. oops. On the bright side, I just got ungrounded, and my birthday is in 2 days! I'm getting a bunch of cds and an electirc guitar, but I think I already talked about that. If you wanna see what I'm getting then go to my wishlist page. All of the ones that say "incoming" are the ones I'm getting. I'm not so sure about the CD player though. The friend that said they were gonna get it is having trouble getting their parents to be ok with it but thats fine by me. He said hes still trying. also i feel kinda bad cuz i convinced one of my friends to buy me a $100 MSI cd but its ok. Speaking of that, I hung out with him yesterday, but literally all we did was sleep lmao. We were gonna go to the gas station but we were too tired.
11/09/24 - double snow day

On wednesday we were given the news that thursday would be a snowday! then on thursday we learned that friday would be a snowday too. thats 4 days of no school in a row. I wish i couldv'e worked more on the website, but im at my mom's and i dont have a pc here, which makes it so m uch easier to make the website. im forced to use my school laptop whenever im at my moms. I used to have a pc here but i don't use it anymore because it is very old, slow, and i think it has like 15 different viruses. I have some HUGE plans for the website which i've drawn up here:
11/06/24 - snow

It finally snowed. Its kinda odd cuz the trees haven't finished losing their leaves. I used to think autumn was my favorite season but i think now that the snow has fallen i've realized that I like winter better. Something about the way the sky turns white to match the ground, the way the snow deafens the world, and the way it smooths out all the hard corners. Winter rocks.
11/05/24 - music gifts

IM GETTING AN ELECTRIC GUITAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!11!1 My friend is also getting me a portable CD player so I can finally play my CDs. I've tried buying two off of ebay and they both didn't work, so im really happy that hes getting that for me. on the topic of CDs i have a couple i want to get. I want if-MSI, Loveless-MBV, and Stratosphere-Duster. Oh yea, my dad also already owns an amp and all that so hes planning on giving those to me for my birthday. I've wanted to learn how to play for a long long time and I'm really happy that I'm finally getting one. My parents told me that theyre gonna resell it after ayear if I don't play it, which is understandable since every time my brother has gotten an instrument, hes always given up. (we've got a drumset in the basement that he hasn't touched in a while.(maybe i can learn that too)) The guitar is navy (my fav color) and my neighbor is gonna help me learn to play it.
11/04/24 - birdbox review

Just finished watching Birdbox and man was that a good movie. The concept was so cool and I like how it only gives us enough knowledge of the monsters to know how to survive them, but the fact that they stay unexplained to the end keeps me wondering and I think its geniuenly so cool. Its rare that I enjoy a movie as much as that. The writing was done really well and i was so invested the entire time.

I think the ending was nice but it really hit me that they were going to live there without tom, and I couldn't imagine how awful that must feel. Even though they made it to a safe place with a community and all. I think its really a cool thing seeing how people will still love in the apocalypse. Another thing i think is cool is how they take your most utilized sense and flip that. Usually you'd want your eyes in the apocalypse but here thats the opposite and that is really really cool to me.
11/03/24 - cheeseballs

I bought one of those gigantic cheeseball barrels at the grocery store, and honestly it was a miracle that my parents let me get it. Its more of a curse at this point. I ate half of it in a week and then i started being able to feel the air rush of of them as i ate them and i do NOT like that feeling, so now theres just a half tub of cheeseballs in my pantry that no one wants to eat because either they think theyre too good for it, or because they got sick of them. on the topic of cheese i have eaten 2 full boxes of macking cheese in 2 days.
11/01/24 - Grounded >:(

I got grounded for the first time and its for 3 weeks. Well it was gonna be 2 weeks but my dad said he'd only let me do halloween with my gf if I added another week to my punishment (this happened a few days ago btw). His punishment was so weird though, like the orignal unishment said I was only allowed to do halloween in my neighborhood and that i wasnt allowed to go to hers + the two weeks. But like he was okey with her coming to our neighborhood so like ??? it was more of an inconvenience than a punishment. He also didn't take my computer or phone so I can still work on the website and call my friends, just no hangouts.

10/31/24 - Halloween!!

happy halloween! today i went to my girlfriends house so we could trick or treat in her neighborhood. i'm being blip and shes being kity for our costumes. we made our costumes yesterday. We turned some cheap headbands into totally epic kity ears and antennas. when i got there the first thing we did was fix my antenna headband that broke during school. oh yea i forgot to mention, today was wear-your-costume to school day so thats why it was there. So after we fixed my antennas, we went out trick or treating! We only brought one pillow case so we shared the stash. it filled up twice as fast as a normal one would because a lot of people gaves us double the candy (as they should). But i also think some houses didn't, because it was still only one bag. after it got late, we went back home and watched Coraline. It was my first time watching it, and i think it was really cool and i liked the style.
